The Connection Between Physical Activity & Mental Health in Young Children

We all know that physical activity is essential for keeping kids healthy and strong, but did you know that regular movement plays a huge role in their mental well-being too? At Kids Academy, we believe that helping children stay active is key to supporting not just their physical health, but also their mood, confidence, and overall mental health.

How Physical Activity Boosts Mental Health

Engaging in physical activity helps children in so many ways. It improves their mood, reduces feelings of anxiety, and even enhances focus and learning. In fact, research from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that children who participate in regular physical activity are 40% less likely to experience anxiety or depression as they grow older.

When children move, whether it’s running, jumping, or playing games, their brains release chemicals like endorphins and serotonin, which are natural mood boosters. These feel-good hormones help children feel happier, calmer, and more focused. Even something as simple as playing outside for 30 minutes a day can make a big difference in how children manage stress and emotions.

Physical Activity as a Confidence Builder

Physical activity doesn’t just help children feel better in the moment; it also plays a major role in building their self-esteem. When children engage in activities where they can challenge themselves, achieve new skills, or even just have fun with their friends, they develop a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

A study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that children who participate in regular physical activity have higher levels of self-confidence and are more likely to have positive social interactions. At Kids Academy, we encourage active play because it helps children feel capable, proud, and confident in their abilities.

Reducing Anxiety Through Movement

For young children, physical activity is also a powerful tool for reducing anxiety. Moving the body helps to lower stress hormones, like cortisol, and calms the mind. According to the World Health Organisation, children who participate in just 60 minutes of physical activity per day are 30% less likely to develop symptoms of anxiety.

At Kids Academy, we create a variety of opportunities for children to engage in fun, active play, from structured games to free movement activities. We’ve seen firsthand how this helps children feel more relaxed and secure.

The Positive Living Skills Program: Supporting Holistic Wellbeing

At Kids Academy, we know that supporting children’s mental health goes beyond just physical activity. That’s why we include the Positive Living Skills program as part of our Lifelong Learning Curriculum. This program is designed to help children develop emotional wellbeing, healthy self-esteem, and positive relationships.

Endorsed by Beyond Blue, the Positive Living Skills program provides children with tools and strategies to manage their emotions, understand their feelings, and build resilience. When combined with regular physical activity, these skills create a strong foundation for a happy, healthy childhood.

How You Can Encourage More Physical Activity

Here are a few easy ways you can encourage your child to be active and support their mental health at the same time:

  • Make it fun: Let your child choose activities they enjoy, whether it’s dancing, playing tag, or riding a bike.
  • Join in: Children love to imitate their parents, so get moving with them! Whether it’s a family walk or a game of soccer in the backyard, being active together can boost everyone’s mood.
  • Encourage outdoor play: Fresh air and physical activity are a great combination for improving your child’s mood and energy levels.
  • Celebrate movement: No matter how small the activity, celebrating your child’s efforts can help them associate exercise with fun and success.

Helping Children Develop Healy Bodies & Minds

Physical activity and mental health go hand in hand, especially for young children. At Kids Academy, we make active play a priority because we know how important it is for your child’s overall wellbeing. Combined with our Positive Living Skills program, we’re helping children develop healthy bodies and minds, ensuring they grow up feeling confident, happy, and resilient.

Find your nearest Kids Academy here.